See full report here.
TL:DR Abstract:
- Moore’s Law: propelled a revolution in both the performance and price of computing power. A successor to Moore’s Law - that predicts similar exponential increases in computing power - is emerging to help define the next age of computing.
- Metcalfe’s Law: why big networks produce colossal winners. Think “Network Effects”: the more people that were on these networks, the more valuable it was for new users to join.
- Law of Mobility: the value of making products available anywhere, any time. Mobile changed customers’ expectations for interacting with businesses.
- Gall’s Law: products that start small - as simple, effective systems - stand the best chance of becoming powerful businesses built on high-functioning, complex systems. Produce a minimum viable product (MVP) and iterate based on user feedback.
- Law of Modularity: across both hardware and software, modular design can drive a step-change in value of tech products and services. Flexible, customizable, and interoperable systems can invite outside engagement and create new value via APIs and interconnected services.
- The 2-Pizza Rule: why small teams lead to big success. Reduce communication overhead improve productivity.
- Conway’s Law: corporate structure is vital to product development - the way that a team communicated mirrored the design of that team’s products.
- Yule’s Law of Complementarity: when a loss-making product is good for business. When a tech company wants to delivery an end-to-end experience for consumers, it’s important to identify the component that will drive the most demand for related products and services.
- The Law of Shitty Clickthroughs: why innovative marketing is better than expensive marketing.
- Zimmermann’s Law: how free products can build rich businesses. Data is said to be the most valuable commodity in the world.
- Pareto Principle: the 80/20 rule - 80% of venture returns come from 20% of the companies.