
How to publish a blog post

Instructions for publishing a new blog post from the GitLab UI.
  1. Create a new issue for the blog post to be published. Add a link to the blog post draft and attach the blog post image in the issue description box.
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  1. From the issue page, create a new merge request and branch.
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  1. Name the merge request Draft: Publish title-of-blog-post and choose Create merge request at the bottom of the page.
  1. Navigate to your new branch by clicking on the URL at the top of the merge request.
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  1. Choose content > blog from the repository and add a new directory. Make sure you are on the correct branch.
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  1. Name the new directory date-month-title-of-post. For example, 2023-07-the-rise-of-open-source. Deselect start a new merge request with the change before creating the new directory.
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  1. Choose add new file from the drop down. Make sure you are in the appropriate directory.
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  1. Name the new file index.md and copy/paste the frontmatter:
--- title: description: date: YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00 draft: false author: ---
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  1. Copy the blog post content into a text editor and remove all formatting. Paste the blog post content into the file. Use markdown for formatting.
Links: [wrap linked text with square brackets](wrap the URL with round brackets) Example: You can find more information in the [OCV handbook](https://handbook.opencoreventures.com/). Bold: **wrap text that should be in bold with two asterisks** Example: We expect open core to replace **proprietary software** as the default. Italics: *wrap text that should be italicized with one asterisk* Example: A *non-commercial, public license* is similar to the Creative Commons Noncommercial license but for AI. Images: ![img](name-of-image-file.png) Example: ![img](feature.png) Pullquote: > Start pullquotes with a right angle bracket Example: > “Where is that feature technically?” Or “How much more work was it to make?” Or “Where in the repo does it live?”
  1. Commit your changes.
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  1. Upload the post feature image. Each blog post must include a featured image or the blog post will not publish correctly. Featured image files must be named feature.png. The ideal image size is 1200x650 and < 1MG.
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  1. All your changes should be viewable in your merge request under the Changes tab. Remove Draft from your Merge Request title or select Mark as ready when you’re ready to publish the post.
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